loop2cycle decided to give our original sea turtle necklace a makeover 🤩 and invested in an improved mold. The team has put in a lot of time and effort into this upgrade so that we can provide a better quality sea turtle necklace than in the past.
The total plastic content is the equivalent of 11 plastic drinking straws! Every turtle necklace reduces plastic pollution and waste, while creating income for those less fortunate.
Please take a moment to create more positive change with us and support loop2cycle Turtle Necklace!
Can you notice the difference between the old and new sea turtle necklace? 😉
Working with loop2cycle, our expanded sister company!
loop2cycle specializes in providing commercially viable and sustainable plastic recycling machines, including our unique 3-in-1 plastic upcycler. These machines continue to enable groups and communities around the world to turn plastic waste into quality products. This generates greater awareness of the plastic pollution crisis, provides employment and the potential to generate income in developing nations, whilst reducing plastic pollution in all cases. Get in touch today to learn how Loop2Cycle can help you reduce your plastic pollution footprint!